Adds support for controlling text overflow in single line string cells.
- Added support for saving rendered pages as TIFF images with Zip compression.
- Added support for controlling text overflow in single line string cells.
- SigFlags entry disables document editing in Acrobat even if the document is not signed.
- On some computers the revocation mode is done online when including the whole certificate chain in a digital signature and this causes delays in execution.
- Pages with invalid objects in Annots array cannot be rendered.
- For certificates with multiple CDP urls, OnCrlInformationNeeded is called only once for the first URL.
- In some situations the PdfXLTiffImage class does not decode correctly LZW encoded TIFFs.
- In some situations the hash of a signed PDF was not computed correctly.
- Non-embedded CourierStd Type1 font is rendered as Arial.
- Some damaged indexed images are not rendered correctly.
- No text is displayed if the embedded font is damaged.