Actipro SyntaxEditor for Universal Windows
Improves error handling in the JSON parser grammar.
- Added the IReadOnlyRegionTag.IncludeFirstEdge and IncludeLastEdge properties, which can be set true to prevent edits on the borders of a tagged range.
- Improved OutliningManager's ability to handle mismatched outlining nodes.
- Improved horizontal scrolling when the caret is near the view edges, and the editor is in single-line mode or view line measuring is enabled.
- Updated character column to be calculated based on space character width instead of average character width.
- Updated IntelliPrompt completion to not show or commit if the affected text range is within a read-only region.
Web Languages Add-on
- Improved error handling in the JSON parser grammar.
- Fixed a bug in the return value of ITextSnapshotReader.GoToNextWordStart when at the end of the snapshot.
.NET Languages Add-on
- Fixed a bug where typing a dot at document end in a single-line comment could show a completion list.
- Fixed a parameter info bug where starting to type an identifier that begins with keyword text would close the tip.