Adds the ability to set the NumberFormat for an individual data label.
- Added feature to link CustomDocumentProperty to Bookmark.
- Added feature to insert hyperlink to bookmark using LINQ Reporting.
- Added feature to detect text direction (RTL / LTR) while importing TXT document.
- Added the ability to set the NumberFormat for an individual data label.
- Image is misplaced in generated PDF.
- Some content render at the bottom of previous page in PDF.
- DOCX to PDF - text is not on right page.
- Images are overlapping and rendering to previous pages in PDF.
- Content renders on previous page in output PDF.
- SmartArt graphic is not preserved during DOCX to RTF conversion.
- OMath should be rendered as "Not inline" (currently OMath is always "inline")
- IMailMergeDataSource has no code sample for the GetValue member
- Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCX
- Text in ODT charts has incorrect fill when rendering
- DOCX to PDF conversion issue with Georgian text rendering
- Example for CellFormat.VerticalAlignment is not injected into the API XML
- DOCX to PDF conversion hangs with maxed CPU
- Extra space and characters (dot) are appeared after re-saving DOCX
- Incorrect rotation of X-axis labels after converting to PDF
- The app hangs while retrieving the page count
- Circle shapes do not render correctly in PDF
- Picture moves to previous page causing wrapping issues
- UpdatePageLayout() modifies OfPieChart properties
- DOCX to PDF conversion issue with shape's text renderin
- Shapes position is changed in output PDF
- System.InvalidCastException occurs upon loading a ODT
- System.NullReferenceException occurs during rendering
- Vertical textbox is not rendered correctly when saving document to PDF
- Failed OGL tests on continuous integration server
- Fix warnings that occur during loading a DOCX
- Images are overlapped after conversion from DOCX to PDF
- System.NullReferenceException occurs upon saving DOCX to PDF
- Bullet formatting is lost after saving the document.
- Document save never finishes.
- Document.Save throws System.ArgumentNullException.
- Incorrect text wrapping of the frame in ODT.
- Merged cells in table are broken when AllowAutoFit is false.
- Issues with PaperSize.Ledger and PaperSize.Quarto.
- System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while saving DOCX to PNG.
- Some text in PDF output is improperly wrapped.
- The code execution hangs during PDF rendition.
- Charts are overlapped after conversion from DOCX to PDF.
- Item Number Error in PDF.
- Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs on loading a RTF file.
- System.InvalidOperationException occurs upon saving a DOCX.
- Minus and Plus signs in embedded graph do not render in output PDF.
- Background of SVG becomes white instead of transparent in output DOCX.
- Aspose.Words.Shaping.HarfBuzz failed on latest prerelease Aspose.Words 19.9.
- OleFormat.IconCaption Property throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
- DOCX to PDF/Print issue with text position.
- Cross-reference field without hyperlink switch rendered with hyperlink.
- Unable to set text of Bookmark.
- Source code files detected as Markdown files.
- Table pushed to the next page in Aspose.Words PDF output.
- Left arrow convertion issue while saving DOCX to HTML.
- Revisions in Header and footer are incorrect after using Document.Compare method.
- MHT to PDF NullPointerException.
- Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a Word 2003 XML Document (XML).
- Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading DOC.
- Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading document to DOM.
- Text box layout issue when converting from DOCX to PDF/DOC.
- TestFieldFormat.TestJira4632 fails in Windows 1903.
- Table header missing when converting word to PNG.
- Word document formatting is not aligned properly.
- Aspose.Words throws an error upon loading Apple Pages Documents.
- EditableRange seems not working when saving to DOC format.
- Error When Converting to PNG / SVG with Track Changes.
- Document.UpdatePageLayout method changes the font size of content control.
- Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading DOCX.
- Section breaks are not rendering correctly in Fixed page formats.
- Quotation marks are treated as full-width characters.
- Table styles are always expanded in "DOC" mode.
- Incorrect line width computation in the footnote.
- Tag with name 'extraClrSchemeLst' is not supported.