Modernize your WPF, Windows Forms, and ASP.NET MVC applications with .Net Core 3 for Visual Studio 2019.
- Leverage the Latest .NET Core 3 Framework - Modernize your WPF, Windows Forms, and ASP.NET MVC applications with .Net Core 3 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
- Ignite UI for Blazor (preview) - No plugins, no add-ons, no transpilation magic. Just .NET running in the browser. 11 new components including high performing grids, charts, gauges, and maps.
- Dependency Free Web Components - Reusable HTML/JS/CSS components based on web standards with no UI framework dependencies.
- Ignite UI for Angular Tools and Features - Use the Command Line Interface (CLI), Visual Studio Code Toolbox, Tooltip Extension, and extensive Theming and Branding support to deliver feature-rich apps. Additional features include new Grid Advanced Filtering, Enhanced Grid Selection, Multi-view Calendar and a new Theme that mimics Microsoft “fluent” design system. Use the new Tree Map control to visualize flat or hierarchical data with rectangles whose sizes are proportional to the visualized values.
- Easy Theming and Branding for Angular - Go beyond basic Material Design themes and generate automatic color palettes for themes based on a primary and secondary color. Customize typography on an app and component level.
- React Maps, Spreadsheets, and Grids - Display data that contains geographic locations or geo-spatial data on geographic imagery maps. Embed Excel document creation and editing experiences right into your React applications. Use new grid features to take your apps to the next level.
- Native Open Fin FDC3 Adapters for Web - Get performance and security using FDC3 enabled experiences with Infragistics data grids and charts on Angular and React.
- Custom Brand your Entire Application with One Click from Sketch - The new theming and styling plug-in for Sketch lets you custom brand your entire application with one click, then sync to the cloud to share with users and get Angular code.