Kendo UI
Barcode, Chart, and Gauge components now take device pixel ratio into account when rendering to canvas.
- The following components now take device pixel ratio into account when rendering to canvas
- Barcode.
- Chart.
- Linear Gauge.
- QRCode.
- Radial Gauge.
- Sparkline.
- StockChart.
- ComboBox
- Combobox change event is triggered 2 times when tab is used and opens on focus.
- ComboBox is not cleared in cascaded scenario and enabled server filtering.
- ContextMenu
- Kendo ContextMenu prevents showing browser's default context menu on other elements.
- DateRangePicker
- DateRangePicker keeps selection highlighted after clearing value.
- Drawer
- Missing TypeScript definitions for Kendo Drawer.
- DropDownTree
- Clicking on DropDownTree's checkAll checkbox does not check all items in IE and Edge.
- DropDownTree's dropdown remains opened on blurring the widget with Tab
- Editor
- Required model validation is not working with Kendo().EditorFor.
- Excel Export
- XLSX export functionality adds redundant customHeight to the sheetFormatPr.
- FileManager
- Security Improvements.
- Grid
- Search panel message cannot be customized.
- Resize handle is dispositioned in RTL mode.
- Grid Column virtualization is not working when using non-pixel unit for width.
- MultiSelect
- MultiSelect deselect event does not fire when the selection is cleared in single tagMode.
- Missing TypeScript definition for binders in
- Scheduler
- Recurring events are not rendered correctly, when Scheduler timezone and events' start/endTimezone are different.
- Scheduler does not show all event occurrences when `BYDAY=1MO,1TU,1WE,1TH,1FR` rule is used.
- Month view filters incorrectly recurring events split between two dates.
- Slider
- Displaced labels of Slider with decimal values.
- Spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet's doesn't work if the passed cells' range is outside the currently visible area.
- Attributes could not be set for Custom tools in the Spreadsheet ToolBar.
- Timeline
- Horizontal Timeline with empty source throws an error.
- TreeList
- Footer Template not rendered when TreeList has Multi-Column Headers.
- Height of locked content in TreeList not calculated correctly with jQuery 3.4.1.
- Search panel message cannot be customized.