Improves Excel importing and exporting.
- Clipboard data can now be cleared when starting cell edit or using the Esc key.
- Line length of borders was inconsistent after importing a Microsoft Excel file.
- Negative numbers with spaces would not parse correctly when pasted into SpreadJS.
- Shapes were not restored from JSON correctly when imported.
- The outline row symbol would be hidden when exporting to Excel.
- Scrolling and editing was slow after importing an SSJSON.
- SetCollapsed() would not work with the index from outline.group(index).
- ChartArea would expand when a trendline was added to a chart with multiple value axes.
- TextBox size was incorrect.
- Importing a specific Excel file would take over 30 seconds to finish.
- Text hAlign for shapes was not exported to JSON.
- Shape connector arrow direction was different from Excel.
- Performance issue with selecting/deselecting checkbox cell types for style-heavy sheets.
- MOD formula would not return “#DIV/0!” when an empty cell was the divisor.
- Designer toolbar would break if the screen width was less than 520px.
- Hidden rows would display.
- An error would happen when switching sheets.
- Changes to unlocked cells were not captured.
- RichText would not stay with multiline text when the cell entered edit mode.
- "Check All” in the filter dialog would not work after checking one option in the filter.
- Setting CALC_PRECISION would still result in a lack of precision.
- Copying a row and inserting and duplicate row would cause the data in both rows to go missing.
- Text layout option was incorrect in the SpreadJS Designer.
- IRR formula calculation result was inconsistent with Excel.