Kendo UI + Telerik UI for JSP
Includes improvements for Grid, ImageEditor and Scheduler.
- Grid
- Encode column titles before displaying them.
- Enable sorting of items in column menu.
- ImageEditor
- Add background overlay to the crop tool.
- Scheduler
- Bind resources along with events when navigation to view in autoBind: false scenario.
- Common
- Invalid CSS in the base file of the Bootstrap LESS theme.
- Kendo Observable is missing properties in TypeScript 3.9.
- Incorrect TypeScript definition for kendo.parseDate and kendo.parseExactDate.
- Add "angular" event TypeScript definition in Observable class.
- kendo.scrollLeft() and jQuery.scrollLeft() do not work in RTL in Google Chrome 85+.
- AngularJS
- AngularJS templates not evaluated correctly in ListView with Endless Scroll.
- Application
- Missing Application typings.
- Badge
- The new 2020.3.915 text data binding option does not work correctly.
- Badge position is always set to "inline" in LESS-Based themes.
- Breadcrumb
- Add Breadcrumb TypeScript definitions.
- Chart
- Chart's seriesDefaults.labels.position typescript definition is missing.
- Bar Chart date axis: First day of week should be taken from the current culture.
- ComboBox
- Widgets in readonly state are incorrectly read as "editable" by NVDA.
- DataSource
- Add TypeScript definition.
- DatePicker
- DatePicker calendar breaks when kendo namespace is set.
- DatePicker concatenates newly typed number with the current value.
- DateTimePicker
- Editing TimePicker "modern" component type shows NaN.
- TimePicker max value changes unexpectedly.
- Widgets in readonly state are incorrectly read as "editable" by NVDA.
- Time is not changed when disableDates is used.
- Diagram
- Diagram: wrong Typescript definition for the Connection constructor.
- Dialog
- Kendo Dialog fires action twice on keydown.
- Drawer
- Drawer itemClick event is not thrown if there are more than 1 HTML elements in the template.
- Drawing
- Drawing API Rect TypeScript definition is not correct.
- DropDownList
- JavaScript error "e.toLowerCase is not a function" thrown by MVVM bound DropDownList.
- Editor
- When uploading an image via the Editor ImageBrowser the name of the image is not set to the name field from the server response.
- Editor - empty line cannot be deleted with Backspace key.
- Empty Editor throws a JS error on inserting a hyperlink with only a space character for its Text field.
- kendo.ui.editor.Toolbar TypeScript definition incomplete.
- Excel Export
- Typescript definition for "type" in WorkbookSheetRow is missing.
- Grid's groupHeaderColumnTemplate is not exported to Microsoft Excel.
- FileManager
- The file fields in FileManager preview need to be encoded by default.
- kendo.ui.filemanager is not available in typescript definitions.
- FileManager Destroy method sends multiple delete requests.
- FileManager: when transport.delete is a function, confirm dialog stays open after error.
- Filter
- Operators' order is ignored in Core Filter Htm Helper.
- FilterMenu
- Filtering for null value in ForeignKey column thrown an exception.
- Form
- Editable contains a function with non-latin symbol.
- Gantt
- Gantt does not update parent task upon drag-dropping task into another task.
- JavaScript error thrown on saving Gantt task with custom editor template.
- Unable to preserve edited Gantt task name on pressing Enter or clicking on treelist in Microsoft Edge 42.
- Missing TreeView HierarchicalDragAndDrop dependency on checking Gantt in Custom Download Builder.
- Globalization
- Some culture files are outdated due to differences in the .NET Core(latest) CultureInfo definitions.
- Grid
- Virtualized Grid scrolling issue after setDataSource.
- RTL Grid header vanishes in Google Chrome 85+.
- Grid misalignment on column resize in RTL with scrollbar.
- The filter event does not fire when there are no values in the filter inputs.
- Filtering for null value in ForeignKey column thrown an exception.
- Persisting options for emptied default filter not working.
- Grid's groupHeaderColumnTemplate is not exported to Microsoft Excel.
- PersistSelection does not work when filter is applied with 0 results.
- Grid header style is inherited by Column menu.
- HierarchicalDataSource
- TypeScript definition for Node.load requires an id: any.
- ImageEditor
- ImageEditor - ProxyURL Does Not Accept String in Razor.
- ListView
- AngularJS templates not evaluated correctly in ListView with Endless Scroll.
- JavaScript error "e.toLowerCase is not a function" thrown by MVVM bound DropDownList.
- The new 2020.3.915 text data binding option does not work correctly.
- ListView MVVM endless scrolling doesn't work.
- MultiSelect
- MultiSelect WAI-ARIA the div element with role "listbox" requires at least one owned "option" element.
- PDF Export
- PDFOptions.multiPage option is missing from the API Reference/TypeScript definitions.
- PDFViewer
- The disabled Pager's arrows inside the PDFViewer doesn't have aria-disabled="true"attribute.
- Empty title attribute of PDFViewer zoom level combobox.
- Zooming with no toolbar throws JS error.
- Missing method parameter options for PDFViewer TypeScript definitions.
- Pager
- The disabled Pager's arrows inside the PDFViewer doesn't have aria-disabled="true"attribute.
- PanelBar
- PanelBar: k-content element has "region" role with no label associated.
- PanelBar: Elements with role "menuitem" are not expected to have "aria-expanded" attribute.
- PanelBar: Elements with role "menuitem" are not expected to have "aria-selected" attribute.
- Scheduler
- DatePicker in Scheduler does not show dates when culture is enabled.
- Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined error thrown for Scheduler with remote dataSource, grouping and autoBind set to false.
- TypeScript definition for kendo.ui.SchedulerView doesn't distinguish between configuration and return type.
- Wrong timeslot selection and JavaScript errors thrown by RTL Scheduler Timeline view in Google Chrome 85+.
- Spreadsheet
- useCultureDecimals property type definition is missing for Spreadsheet SpreadsheetOptions.
- saveJSON method type definition is missing for Spreadsheet.
- Spreadsheet exports corrupt xlsx when containing an empty Sheet with a focused A1 cell.
- Unable to create custom function using Typescript in Spreadsheet.
- Spreadsheet comments are not properly exported in XLSX.
- Comments in the Spreadsheet are not properly displayed in frozen columns scenario.
- TextArea
- TextArea font-size in LESS-based themes is not consistent with other inputs.
- ThemeBuilder LESS
- LESS Themebuilder does not take into account widget styles in component/_theme.less and component/_layout.less.
- LESS ThemeBuilder is not setting the Selected background color to Calendar.
- TileLayout
- Draggable items inside TileLayout widget cause JavaScript exceptions.
- TimePicker
- Editing TimePicker "modern" component type shows NaN.
- ToolBar
- overflowAnchor property is missing from Toolbar's TypeScript definitions.
- Upload
- Cancel and Upload buttons are not marked as focused in Upload widget.
- Window
- Window - position in percentage does not work, if draggable containment is set.
- Modal Window with an iframe does not remove k-state-focused upon closing of the Window.
- Unable to scroll the content of Kendo Window using keyboard up and down arrows.