Adds .NET 5.0 support plus line distribution to Diagram component.
- Added Microsoft .NET 5.0 support.
- Added individual NuGet packages for Syncfusion Blazor components.
- The following components are now marked as production-ready components for Blazor:
- Color Picker.
- DateRangePicker.
- File Manager.
- Input Mask.
- MultiSelect Dropdown.
- Added a new ButtonGroup component - A ButtonGroup is a container that groups a series of buttons on a single line. It has an optional radio button (single selection) and checkbox (multiple selection) behavior. It may contain a DropDownButton or SplitButton component.
- Line distribution - Users can now decide whether or not the segment of each connector from a single parent node is automatically distributed.
- Resize all edges of Dialog - Added the ability to resize all the edges (corners) of the Dialog.
Microsoft Word Library
- Metadata properties - Accesses metadata properties of a Word document used in the Microsoft SharePoint document library.
- Update word count - Updates the count of paragraphs, words, and characters in a Word document.
- Word-to-PDF enhancements - Word-to-PDF conversion has been enhanced in the Word Library:
- SkiaSharp version has been upgraded from 1.59.0 to 2.80.2.
- Draw list numbers in Spanish format during Word to PDF conversion.
Word Processor
- Footnotes and endnotes - Added the ability to insert, access, and edit the footnotes and endnotes in a Word document.
Data Grid
- Virtual scrolling cell placeholder support - Improved the visualization experience while scrolling by showing a placeholder in grid cells until the data operation is completed.
- Searching support for foreign key columns - Users can now search values in foreign key columns. Users can have multiple foreign key columns with individual data sources, and these columns can be searched with values or criteria to reduce the view of data.
- Data aggregation support for DynamicObject/ExpandoObject data binding - Users can apply various types of aggregations such as sum, average, min, max, etc. to row data while using the DynamicObject/ExpandoObjects data binding.
- Workflow validation - This feature allows users to map workflow statuses to the Kanban columns. Users can transition single or multiple cards based on the configured workflow by dragging them from one column to another.
- Card UI improvement - This feature allows users to map additional fields such as tags, footers, and grabbers to the Kanban cards.
- Tooltip template - Allows users to display a tooltip with a customized design using HTML elements instead of the default tooltip.
PDF Viewer
- Import and export annotations - All the annotations in a PDF file can be exported to a XFDF file. The annotation XFDF data can also be imported to a PDF file.
Microsoft PowerPoint Library
- Language for text part - Access and modify the language property of the text in a PowerPoint presentation.
- PPTX-to-PDF and PPTX-to-image conversions have been enhanced in PowerPoint Library:
- SkiaSharp version has been upgraded from 1.59.0 to 2.80.2.
- The fallback font is used to render characters that do not have glyphs in the original font when converting PPTX to image.
- Draws gradient line for shapes when converting PPTX to PDF and image.
- Draws gradient fill with transparency for shapes when converting PPTX to PDF and image.
Rich Text Editor
- Paste from Microsoft Excel - Allows pasting content from Microsoft Excel into the Rich Text Editor while preserving any formatting.
- WebAssembly performance improvement in Scheduler - The performance of the following schedule views in the WebAssembly application have been improved after avoiding unnecessary component rendering:
- Timeline day.
- Timeline week.
- Timeline workweek.
- Timeline month.
- Month.
- Drag-and-drop and resize in timeline year view - Allows users to reschedule and extend appointments (events) in the timeline year view.
- Time format - This feature determines the hour format (12-hour or 24-hour) in the Scheduler. By default, the Scheduler works based on norms of the current culture.
Tree Grid
- Lazy loading with child data in remote data binding - Added support to load or fetch the current page parent rows with their corresponding child rows from a remote service in the expanded state while binding remote data.
Excel Library
- Enhancements in XlsIO - The following enhancements were made in the XlsIO library:
- An event has been added to control the data export from Excel to DataTable.
- Long-dash line patterns are now supported in Excel charts.