Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise
Improves WPF, ASP.NET MVC and Blazor controls.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added Microsoft ASP.NET Core project template, scaffolding, conversion and migration support for Visual Studio 2022.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added Microsoft ASP.NET MVC project template, scaffolding, conversion and migration support for Visual Studio 2022.
- Kanban
- Added support for rearranging the swimlane rows using the SwimlaneSorting event.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added Blazor template studio, code generator, scaffolding, conversion and migration support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- Calendar
- Added support for customizing the background color of the all day panel.
- DataGrid (Beta)
- Added support for accessing the sorted collection of DataGridRow through the DataGridSource.effectiveRows property.
- Chart
- Added fade out support for chart tooltip on touch.
- Grid
- Added support for exporting headers with an image.
- Added keyboard navigation support in infinite scroll.
- Added sticky header support.
- ListBox
- Added No Record Template support.
- RichTextEditor
- Added support for pasting rare list contents from Microsoft Word in the Rich Text Editor.
- Improved the deleteKey action in the Rich Text Editor.
- Added showDialog and closeDialog methods to open/close the Link, Image, Table dialogs in the Rich Text Editor.
- Spreadsheet
- Added support for updating the defined names range while performing insert and delete operation.
- Improved number formatting applied while performing copy/paste operation between different spreadsheets.
- SfPdfViewerControl
- Added support for customizing the width of the vertical scrollbar.
- SfAutoComplete
- Added support for the DropDownClosing event with an argument type CancelEventArgs.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added UWP project template and troubleshooter support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- Common
- Syncfusion WinUI controls are now compatible with Microsoft Windows App SDK version 0.8.1.
- WinUI UWP support has been dropped.
- SfAutoComplete
- [UWP] Added support for the DropDownClosing event with an argument type CancelEventArgs.
- SfPdfViewer
- Added support for rendering the rotated free text annotations.
- [Apple iOS] Optimized memory consumption while saving a PDF document.
- [UWP] Added support for showing or hiding the navigation buttons in the single page view mode.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added Xamarin project template and toolbox support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added WinForms project template, item template, reference manager and troubleshooter support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- SfDiagram
- Added support for ItemAdding, ItemDeleting, SelectionChanged, MenuItemClicked and MenuOpening events for the Stencil.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added WPF project template, item template, reference manager and troubleshooter support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.