Improves QuantumGrid, Skins and Layout controls.
All VCL products
- The "Ambiguity between the two TcxCanvasFrameRect methods" compiler error occurs if Embarcadero C++Builder code includes a TcxCanvasFrameRect method call with the default parameters.
- A data-aware View incorrectly moves focus if the View shares its data source with a non-visual component.
ExpressEditors Library
- TcxTextEdit and its descendants - The Del keystroke does not raise the OnEditing event.
- TdxOpenFileDialog - Sorting by date does not work in the "This PC\Pictures" folder.
- TdxSaveFileDialog and TdxOpenFileDialog - A file in an open folder becomes selected if the folder is opened with a double click and the mouse pointer is over the file.
- The TdxTaskbarProgress control does not display progress on a task bar if the progress state changes before the main application form is created.
ExpressLayout Control
- An auxiliary item that is located outside the visible scrollable area remains hidden after it was focused.
ExpressPrinting System
- Grid Report Link - Master-Detail - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs on creating a report for Views whose OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode property is set to rsmByPixel if the report link's OptionsExpanding.ExpandMasterRows property is set to True.
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- Master-Detail - "RowIndex out of range" exception occurs when closing a form with the TcxGrid control that has a focused record if the OptionsSelection.MultiSelect and OptionsSelection.UnselectFocusedRecordOnExit properties are set to True.
- The View's Controller.GoTo~ methods incorrectly navigate records after switching off the grid mode.
ExpressSkins Library
- The E2184 enum syntax compiler error occurs if the "WINAPI.GDIPAPI.hpp" include directive precedes "dxGDIPlusAPI.hpp" in C++Builder code.
- The control incorrectly saves a spreadsheet document to a file/stream after pasting formatted cells that are copied from Microsoft Excel using the clipboard.
- The TdxSpreadSheetCell.SetAsRTF function returns False if an accepted RTF string has a single set of font attributes applied to all characters.