Adds printing support for FireMonkey.
- Added printing support for FireMonkey - The following components have been ported to FireMonkey in this update:
- TRVPrint - a component for printing TRichView documents.
- TRVReportHelper - a component for drawing TRichView documents on a specified canvas (for example TBitmap or a printer).
- TRVPrintPreview - a print preview component.
- Added support for alignmentjustify - Text can now be aligned to both sides by increasing the width of space characters.
- Zooming support - FireMonkey version now has zoom functionality by using the ZoomPercent property.
- Added support for IME - An input method (or input method editor, commonly abbreviated IME) allows the user of Latin keyboards to input Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indic character, as well as special characters like emoticons.
- UI translations - The following translation of UI was updated for RichViewActions and ScaleRichView:
- Thai.