DevExtreme Complete
Improves DataGrid, Diagram and Gantt controls.
- All Angular products
- Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - The use of the StyleSheetPath property causes design-time exceptions.
- Basic types are not assignable to the type DeepPartial<any>.
- Filtering is incorrectly applied to a report when a "?parameter Is Null" filter condition is used with a MultiValue parameter.
- Parameter Binding Collection Editor - A Null Reference exception is thrown when adding a new binding.
- Visual Studio 2019 Report Designer crashes when loading a report with JSON nullable fields.
- Visual Studio Report Designer - XRSubreport generates incorrect code in the "Designer.cs" file in Microsoft .NET 5 applications.
- Web Report Designer's Filter Editor - The "Not IsNullOrEmpty" expression is visualized incorrectly.
- Web Report Viewer - "updatePreviewContentSize_ is not a function" error is thrown when hiding the component.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- CircularGauge - The sub value indicator disappears when the offset option has a certain value.
- Logarithm scale with multiple axes doesn't correctly work when the chart has two logarithmic axes with negative values.
- PivotGrid - Chart Integration - Value axis labels are incorrectly displayed after removing a data field in PivotGrid.
- DevExtreme CLI
- DevExtreme Angular Template - The 'An unhandled exception occurred: NOT SUPPORTED: keyword "id", use "$id" for schema ID' error occurs on an attempt to create a new application using Angular 13.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- DataGrid displays gray boxes in the real-time update scenario under certain conditions.
- A focused row is changed during scrolling.
- A row becomes invisible after text selection if row dragging and column fixing are enabled.
- A toolbar menu is incorrectly displayed in the material theme if the menu contains dxButton and export buttons.
- A validation mark is not removed when a cell is clicked once if a new row is added, the isHighlighted option is enabled, and the startEditAction option is set to "dblClick".
- An edited cell gets focus after clicking another cell in Cell edit mode when showEditorAlways is set.
- An empty div element with the 5px padding is rendered in place of a hidden toolbar item.
- An unfocused row has a border on Apple iOS.
- Batch Edit - A wrong row can be marked for removal under certain conditions.
- Filter Row's editor loses focus after filtering in certain cases.
- Gray boxes are displayed after scrolling.
- It is not possible to navigate to the last page in a certain usage scenario.
- Links do not work in the command column button template in v.21.2.
- Not all rows are exported to Microsoft Excel when the new virtual scrolling engine is used and DataGrid is scrolled.
- Selection CheckBoxes are always visible in material themes if showCheckBoxesMode is 'onClick'.
- Selection with "Shift" is not working when rowRenderingMode is set to 'virtual'.
- The 'E1059 - The following column names are not unique: "buttons"' error is thrown when a banded column's lookup option is updated and the command 'buttons' column is specified.
- The 'Export.texts.exportTo' option is ignored.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'key')" error occurs on an attempt to add a new record if newRowPosition is 'pageTop' or 'pageBottom'.
- The component sends an unnecessary request to the server when trying to scroll over the last row.
- Virtual scrolling is slow when pageSize is 'All'.
- Virtual Scrolling performance is slow on scrolling if the grid contains a summary item.
- DataGrid displays gray boxes after reloading its data source when used in Drop Down.
- DataGrid shows W0017 error when the Delete confirmation dialog is displayed.
- Labels are not rendered in the DataGrid editing form if labelMode is set to a 'floating' value.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- It's impossible to change the position of items in the mainToolbar.
- The font color window is cut off when Diagram is placed in a popup.
- Diagram for Angular - The zoom level is lost after hiding a toolbar.
- Apple Safari - The page scroll position is reset to (0, 0) when clicking (focusing) a shape.
- DevExtreme Dialogs & Notifications
- SpeedDialAction - The 'W0001 - dxPrivateComponent0 - 'elementAttr' option is deprecated' warning appears in console in v21.2.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Button - "ButtonTemplate is not a function" error is thrown when using ButtonTemplate in Angular.
- Button - SVG icons are not displayed.
- CheckBox - The undefined icon is too small when iconSize is set to a larger value in DataGrid.
- DateBox - applyValueMode="useButtons" does not work properly if the type is "datetime".
- DateBox - The onInput event handler is not executed if useMaskBehavior is true.
- DateBox throws the "Cannot read property 'length' of null" error when using useMaskBehavior with locale fr-ca.
- DropDownButton - A dropdown is shown incorrectly when the control is moved to the bottom right position of the page.
- Import of the markdown module breaks the compilation of an Angular project in 21.2.
- Popup - closeOnOutsideClick does not work when Diagram is in the Popup's Template.
- SelectBox - The component displays items on the first page as selected under certain conditions.
- TagBox - setting dataSource to 'null' causes an error.
- DevExtreme File Management
- File Uploader - A drop zone remains in an active state if a file was dropped outside the drop zone.
- DevExtreme Form
- DateBox throws the "Cannot read property 'length' of null" error when using useMaskBehavior with locale fr-ca.
- An unnecessary semicolon is rendered for floating labels.
- Labels are invisible when labelMode is "static" or "floating" and form items are in tabs.
- TabPanel items go outside container boundaries.
- The 'Cannot read properties of undefined' error occurs when using ngIf for a tab-item.
- The labelMode option does not work when it is set at an editor level using the editorOptions.labelMode option.
- The Login button loses its customization when the template option is specified in v.21.2.3 in Vue and Angular.
- Form labels are removed from editors that do not have the labelMode option.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Gantt for Angular - An exception is thrown if the repaint method is called before export to PDF.
- Changes in parent tasks are not applied to a data source in the TaskUpdated event if the autoUpdateParentTasks property is enabled.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- The scrollbar hides the right border in Material themes.
- DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
- Button - useSubmitBehavior is enabled but the form is not submitted if the template is specified.
- DevExtreme Project Templates and Wizards
- The "SassError: $color: [object Object] is not a color." error occurs on an attempt to build/run a new project that is based on a DevExtreme template/created using DevExtreme CLI.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- All-Day appointments are not rendered in MonthView if endDate is earlier than startDayHour.
- Appointments that end next week are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- It is not possible to increase the height of an appointment in a certain scenario.
- Multiple cells are highlighted as drop targets on moving an appointment from one component to another.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')" error occurs after the update to v.21.2.3 if the recurrenceRule option is set to null or an empty string.
- The `Cannot read properties of undefined` error occurs on an attempt to visualize a recurring appointment that starts in 1942.
- The Current Time Indicator doesn't take into account a DST time shift on a day of the shift.
- Scheduler doesn't display a multi-day appointment on the last day in the "week" view if it ends on Sunday.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- The "Select All" check box is rendered in the wrong place if TreeList is located in a detail row of DataGrid.
- The Aria-level attribute starts from 0 instead of 1.
- All HTML JS products
- Basic types are not assignable to the type DeepPartial<any>.
- dxEvent - The isTrusted property in the root of EventObject is lost.
- RequireJs cannot import modules from `ui.form.layout_manager.js`.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- Chart - A chart is incorrectly rendered when it is exported to PDF and the browser is zoomed.
- CircularGauge - The sub value indicator disappears when the offset option has a certain value.
- PivotGrid - Chart Integration - Value axis labels are incorrectly displayed after removing a data field in PivotGrid.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- DataGrid displays gray boxes in the real-time update scenario under certain conditions.
- "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'pageIndex')" error is thrown when assigning null to the dataSource and virtual scrolling is enabled.
- A focused row is changed during scrolling.
- A row becomes invisible after text selection if row dragging and column fixing are enabled.
- A toolbar menu is incorrectly displayed in the material theme if the menu contains dxButton and export buttons.
- A validation mark is not removed when a cell is clicked once if a new row is added, the isHighlighted option is enabled, and the startEditAction option is set to "dblClick".
- An edited cell gets focus after clicking another cell in Cell edit mode when showEditorAlways is set.
- An empty div element with the 5px padding is rendered in place of a hidden toolbar item.
- An unfocused row has a border on iOS.
- Batch Edit - A wrong row can be marked for removal under certain conditions.
- Drop indicator is incorrectly displayed during column reordering if the allowColumnResizing and allowColumnReordering options are set to true.
- Filter Row's editor loses focus after filtering in certain cases.
- Gray boxes are displayed after scrolling.
- It is not possible to navigate to the last page in a certain usage scenario.
- Links do not work in the command column button template in v.21.2.
- Not all rows are exported to Excel when the new virtual scrolling engine is used and DataGrid is scrolled.
- Search highlighting removes formatting of texts with HTML tags.
- Search results are not highlighted if encodeHtml is set to false.
- Selection CheckBoxes are always visible in material themes if showCheckBoxesMode is 'onClick'.
- Selection of all rows doesn't correctly work when using virtual scrolling mode.
- Selection with "Shift" is not working when rowRenderingMode is set to 'virtual'.
- The 'E1059 - The following column names are not unique: "buttons"' error is thrown when a banded column's lookup option is updated and the command 'buttons' column is specified.
- The 'Export.texts.exportTo' option is ignored.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'key')" error occurs on an attempt to add a new record if newRowPosition is 'pageTop' or 'pageBottom'.
- The component sends an unnecessary request to the server when trying to scroll over the last row.
- The editing.changes option modification does not apply to a boolean column inside onOptionChanged.
- The fixed button column is not rendered correctly when row dragging icons are shown and native scrolling is enabled.
- The selection state is not refreshed on removing a row via the push() API.
- Virtual scrolling is slow when pageSize is 'All'.
- Virtual Scrolling performance is slow on scrolling if the grid contains a summary item.
- DataGrid creates an invalid filter in a request when ungrouping after expanding a group row.
- DataGrid displays gray boxes after reloading its data source when used in Drop Down.
- DataGrid: Group row expanding does not work if group summaries are defined and data is updated with high frequency.
- Labels are not rendered in the DataGrid editing form if labelMode is set to a 'floating' value.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- It's impossible to change the position of items in the mainToolbar.
- Diagram for Angular - The zoom level is lost after hiding a toolbar.
- DevExtreme Dialogs & Notifications
- SpeedDialAction - The 'W0001 - dxPrivateComponent0 - 'elementAttr' option is deprecated' warning appears in console in v21.2.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Button - SVG icons are not displayed.
- Button - The validationGroup field is empty in onClick if the button is initialized before the group.
- Cannot change the style's background color when it is set to LightGray.
- CheckBox - The undefined icon is too small when iconSize is set to a larger value in DataGrid.
- CheckBox does not accept integer values (0 = false, 1 = true).
- DateBox - applyValueMode="useButtons" does not work properly if the type is "datetime".
- DateBox - Cannot select all text if formatting is used on Mac.
- DateBox - The dxDateBox module is registered twice.
- DateBox - The onInput event handler is not executed if useMaskBehavior is true.
- DropDownBox - A custom value is lost on blur when acceptCustomValue is enabled.
- DropDownBox is not rendered correctly when items are loaded asynchronously.
- DropDownButton - A dropdown is shown incorrectly when the control is moved to the bottom right position of the page.
- FilterBuilder - An error occurs if only "or" is used as groupOperations and the value option is not set.
- Popup - closeOnOutsideClick does not work when Diagram is in the Popup's Template.
- SelectBox - The component displays items on the first page as selected under certain conditions.
- TagBox - setting dataSource to 'null' causes an error.
- DevExtreme File Management
- File Uploader - A drop zone remains in an active state if a file was dropped outside the drop zone.
- DevExtreme Form
- An unnecessary semicolon is rendered for floating labels.
- It is impossible to override the global editorStylingMode from an item's editorOptions in v21.2.3.
- Labels are invisible when labelMode is "static" or "floating" and form items are in tabs.
- TabPanel items go outside container boundaries.
- The labelMode option does not work when it is set at an editor level using the editorOptions.labelMode option.
- Form labels are removed from editors that do not have the labelMode option.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Gantt for Angular - An exception is thrown if the repaint method is called before export to PDF.
- hanges in parent tasks are not applied to a data source in the TaskUpdated event if the autoUpdateParentTasks property is enabled.
- Gantt for JavaScript - The control fails when an end-user opens nested tasks and a large data source is used.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- The scrollbar hides the right border in Material themes.
- Table resizing doesn't trigger onValueChanged.
- The "Insert Link" dialog doesn't fit the screen of an iOS device in portrait mode.
- The component may hang when certain table markup is used as a value.
- HtmlEditor's documentation example uses an outdated devextreme-quill version.
- DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
- Button - The validationGroup field is empty in onClick if the button is initialized before the group.
- List - 'allPages' selectAllMode - Performance issue occurs when using 'Select All' with a large amount of grouped data.
- Tabs - The right navigation button is not disabled when zooming out.
- Toolbar - Drop down menu is incorrectly displayed after changing the value in the menu item's editor.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- All-Day appointments are not rendered in MonthView if endDate is earlier than startDayHour.
- Appointments that end next week are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- It is not possible to increase the height of an appointment in a certain scenario.
- JQuery Deferred exception is shown when the recurrenceRule is an empty string.
- Multiple cells are highlighted as drop targets on moving an appointment from one component to another.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')" error occurs after the update to v.21.2.3 if the recurrenceRule option is set to null or an empty string.
- The `Cannot read properties of undefined` error occurs on an attempt to visualize a recurring appointment that starts in 1942.
- The Current Time Indicator doesn't take into account a DST time shift on a day of the shift.
- The dragging behavior is incorrect for appointments with the `disabled` property that was set using a Knockout observable.
- The startDate and endDate time is incorrect for hourly recurring appointments in the agenda view.
- Scheduler doesn't display a multi-day appointment on the last day in the "week" view if it ends on Sunday.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- Keyboard navigation with the Tab button incorrectly works in a Popup.
- The "Select All" check box is rendered in the wrong place if TreeList is located in a detail row of DataGrid.
- The Aria-level attribute starts from 0 instead of 1.
- The focused row changes spontaneously after editing a node.
- All React products
- Basic types are not assignable to the type DeepPartial<any>.
- dxEvent - The isTrusted property in the root of EventObject is lost.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- Chart - View is re-rendered infinitely if the visualRange option is initialized with null value and the component is resized.
- CircularGauge - The sub value indicator disappears when the offset option has a certain value.
- PivotGrid - Chart Integration - Value axis labels are incorrectly displayed after removing a data field in PivotGrid.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- DataGrid displays gray boxes in the real-time update scenario under certain conditions.
- A focused row is changed during scrolling.
- A row becomes invisible after text selection if row dragging and column fixing are enabled.
- A toolbar menu is incorrectly displayed in the material theme if the menu contains dxButton and export buttons.
- A validation mark is not removed when a cell is clicked once if a new row is added, the isHighlighted option is enabled, and the startEditAction option is set to "dblClick".
- An edited cell gets focus after clicking another cell in Cell edit mode when showEditorAlways is set.
- An empty div element with the 5px padding is rendered in place of a hidden toolbar item.
- An unfocused row has a border on iOS.
- Batch Edit - A wrong row can be marked for removal under certain conditions.
- Filter Row's editor loses focus after filtering in certain cases.
- Gray boxes are displayed after scrolling.
- It is not possible to navigate to the last page in a certain usage scenario.
- Links do not work in the command column button template in v.21.2.
- Selection CheckBoxes are always visible in material themes if showCheckBoxesMode is 'onClick'.
- Selection with "Shift" is not working when rowRenderingMode is set to 'virtual'.
- The 'E1059 - The following column names are not unique: "buttons"' error is thrown when a banded column's lookup option is updated and the command 'buttons' column is specified.
- The 'Export.texts.exportTo' option is ignored.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'key')" error occurs on an attempt to add a new record if newRowPosition is 'pageTop' or 'pageBottom'.
- The component sends an unnecessary request to the server when trying to scroll over the last row.
- The position of a command button is incorrect if a template/render/component is used to specify the button's template in React.
- Virtual scrolling is slow when pageSize is 'All'.
- Virtual Scrolling performance is slow on scrolling if the grid contains a summary item.
- DataGrid displays gray boxes after reloading its data source when used in Drop Down.
- Labels are not rendered in the DataGrid editing form if labelMode is set to a 'floating' value.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- It's impossible to change the position of items in the mainToolbar.
- Diagram for Angular - The zoom level is lost after hiding a toolbar.
- DevExtreme Dialogs & Notifications
- SpeedDialAction - The 'W0001 - dxPrivateComponent0 - 'elementAttr' option is deprecated' warning appears in console in v21.2.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Button - SVG icons are not displayed.
- Button - The validationGroup field is empty in onClick if the button is initialized before the group.
- CheckBox - The undefined icon is too small when iconSize is set to a larger value in DataGrid.
- DateBox - applyValueMode="useButtons" does not work properly if the type is "datetime".
- DateBox - The onInput event handler is not executed if useMaskBehavior is true.
- DropDownButton - A dropdown is shown incorrectly when the control is moved to the bottom right position of the page.
- Popup - closeOnOutsideClick does not work when Diagram is in the Popup's Template.
- SelectBox - The component displays items on the first page as selected under certain conditions.
- TagBox - setting dataSource to 'null' causes an error.
- DevExtreme File Management
- File Uploader - A drop zone remains in an active state if a file was dropped outside the drop zone.
- DevExtreme Form
- An unnecessary semicolon is rendered for floating labels.
- Labels are invisible when labelMode is "static" or "floating" and form items are in tabs.
- TabPanel items go outside container boundaries.
- The labelMode option does not work when it is set at an editor level using the editorOptions.labelMode option.
- Form labels are removed from editors that do not have the labelMode option.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Changes in parent tasks are not applied to a data source in the TaskUpdated event if the autoUpdateParentTasks property is enabled.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- The scrollbar hides the right border in Material themes.
- DevExtreme Project Templates and Wizards
- The "SassError: $color: [object Object] is not a color." error occurs on an attempt to build/run a new project that is based on a DevExtreme template/created using DevExtreme CLI.
- DevExtreme Reactive Scheduler
- Multiple cells are highlighted as drop targets on moving an appointment from one component to another.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- All-Day appointments are not rendered in MonthView if endDate is earlier than startDayHour.
- Appointments that end next week are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- It is not possible to increase the height of an appointment in a certain scenario.
- Styles from the Overview demo are deleted after a click on a cell in React.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')" error occurs after the update to v.21.2.3 if the recurrenceRule option is set to null or an empty string.
- The `Cannot read properties of undefined` error occurs on an attempt to visualize a recurring appointment that starts in 1942.
- The Current Time Indicator doesn't take into account a DST time shift on a day of the shift.
- Scheduler doesn't display a multi-day appointment on the last day in the "week" view if it ends on Sunday.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- The "Select All" check box is rendered in the wrong place if TreeList is located in a detail row of DataGrid.
- The Aria-level attribute starts from 0 instead of 1.
- All Vue products
- Basic types are not assignable to the type DeepPartial<any>.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- CircularGauge - The sub value indicator disappears when the offset option has a certain value.
- PivotGrid - Chart Integration - Value axis labels are incorrectly displayed after removing a data field in PivotGrid.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- DataGrid displays gray boxes in the real-time update scenario under certain conditions.
- A focused row is changed during scrolling.
- A row becomes invisible after text selection if row dragging and column fixing are enabled.
- A toolbar menu is incorrectly displayed in the material theme if the menu contains dxButton and export buttons.
- A validation mark is not removed when a cell is clicked once if a new row is added, the isHighlighted option is enabled, and the startEditAction option is set to "dblClick".
- An edited cell gets focus after clicking another cell in Cell edit mode when showEditorAlways is set.
- An empty div element with the 5px padding is rendered in place of a hidden toolbar item.
- An unfocused row has a border on iOS.
- Batch Edit - A wrong row can be marked for removal under certain conditions.
- Filter Row's editor loses focus after filtering in certain cases.
- Gray boxes are displayed after scrolling.
- It is not possible to navigate to the last page in a certain usage scenario.
- Links do not work in the command column button template in v.21.2.
- Selection CheckBoxes are always visible in material themes if showCheckBoxesMode is 'onClick'.
- Selection with "Shift" is not working when rowRenderingMode is set to 'virtual'.
- The 'E1059 - The following column names are not unique: "buttons"' error is thrown when a banded column's lookup option is updated and the command 'buttons' column is specified.
- The 'Export.texts.exportTo' option is ignored.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'key')" error occurs on an attempt to add a new record if newRowPosition is 'pageTop' or 'pageBottom'.
- The component sends an unnecessary request to the server when trying to scroll over the last row.
- Virtual scrolling is slow when pageSize is 'All'.
- Virtual Scrolling performance is slow on scrolling if the grid contains a summary item.
- DataGrid displays gray boxes after reloading its data source when used in Drop Down.
- Labels are not rendered in the DataGrid editing form if labelMode is set to a 'floating' value.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- It's impossible to change the position of items in the mainToolbar.
- DevExtreme Dialogs & Notifications
- SpeedDialAction - The 'W0001 - dxPrivateComponent0 - 'elementAttr' option is deprecated' warning appears in console in v21.2.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Button - SVG icons are not displayed.
- CheckBox - The undefined icon is too small when iconSize is set to a larger value in DataGrid.
- DateBox - applyValueMode="useButtons" does not work properly if the type is "datetime".
- DateBox - The onInput event handler is not executed if useMaskBehavior is true.
- DropDownButton - A dropdown is shown incorrectly when the control is moved to the bottom right position of the page.
- Popup - closeOnOutsideClick does not work when Diagram is in the Popup's Template.
- SelectBox - The component displays items on the first page as selected under certain conditions.
- TagBox - setting dataSource to 'null' causes an error.
- DevExtreme File Management
- File Uploader - A drop zone remains in an active state if a file was dropped outside the drop zone.
- DevExtreme Form
- An unnecessary semicolon is rendered for floating labels.
- Labels are invisible when labelMode is "static" or "floating" and form items are in tabs.
- TabPanel items go outside container boundaries.
- The labelMode option does not work when it is set at an editor level using the editorOptions.labelMode option.
- The Login button loses its customization when the template option is specified in v.21.2.3 in Vue and Angular.
- Form labels are removed from editors that do not have the labelMode option.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Changes in parent tasks are not applied to a data source in the TaskUpdated event if the autoUpdateParentTasks property is enabled.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- The scrollbar hides the right border in Material themes.
- DevExtreme Project Templates and Wizards
- The "SassError: $color: [object Object] is not a color." error occurs on an attempt to build/run a new project that is based on a DevExtreme template/created using DevExtreme CLI.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- All-Day appointments are not rendered in MonthView if endDate is earlier than startDayHour.
- Appointments that end next week are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- It is not possible to increase the height of an appointment in a certain scenario.
- Multiple cells are highlighted as drop targets on moving an appointment from one component to another.
- The "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')" error occurs after the update to v.21.2.3 if the recurrenceRule option is set to null or an empty string.
- The `Cannot read properties of undefined` error occurs on an attempt to visualize a recurring appointment that starts in 1942.
- The Current Time Indicator doesn't take into account a DST time shift on a day of the shift.
- Scheduler doesn't display a multi-day appointment on the last day in the "week" view if it ends on Sunday.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- The "Select All" check box is rendered in the wrong place if TreeList is located in a detail row of DataGrid.
- The Aria-level attribute starts from 0 instead of 1.