Aspose.Words for Java
Adds the ability to render to PDF with PDF/UA-1 compliance.
- Added support for HTML color codes as color values for LINQ Reporting Engine tags.
- Provided dynamic text color setting using LINQ Reporting Engine.
- Added the option to stop Document.Save method after specific time.
- Provided list style in APS.
- Introduced new option to control conflicting style behavior upon import.
- Added the ability to set image as background of TextBox.
- Added the ability to set Fill.ImageBytes.
- Added the ability to render to PDF with PDF/UA-1 compliance. This option assumes compliance with document special accessibility requirements.
- Improved rendering of operators in MathML formulas.
- Added the ability to gather data about gradient fills.
- Added the ability to replace shape background image.
- Added the ability to compare document with content control.
- Added the ability to pass a hyperlink ScreenTip from model to APS.