Improves iterators provided by IEnumerable class and adds method overloads to numerous classes.
- Iterators provided by the IEnumerable class and duck-typed collections have been improved. Performance has been improved for those implemented via the native C++ containers, and assignment to referenced elements has been supported where possible.
- Added method overloads to numerous classes. These support ArrayView-typed parameters where only ArrayPtr was supported previously.
- Exception class default messages are now in line with Microsoft .NET behavior. No language-specific messages are supported at the moment.
- Added the ability to prohibit use of RC4 encryption in PDF 2.0.
- Added the ability to format fields in Number and Date format.
- Added the ability to remove adbe.x509.rsa_sha1 sub filter when saving documents.
- Added PDF header validation.
- Added support for AFRelationship which describes associated files relationships.
- Improved Document.Save() method when merging multiple PDF files.
- PDF to TIFF: Improved conversion speed.