New Inventory Management reference app.
Includes FlexGrid improvements and new Inventory Management and Website Traffic Monitoring reference apps.
- Added inventory management reference app* - The inventory management reference app uses Angular, including a router with navigations to many different screens. It takes advantage of many features in many components in Wijmo.
- Added website traffic monitoring reference app* - The website traffic monitoring reference app shows web traffic breakdowns for your web server by country. You can click on any country and see a report below analyzing the data.
- Updated GeoDashboard reference app* to use FlexMap. Replaces an older mapping technology with the new FlexMap. The app allows you to select a state in the US and see different census data for the region. The app uses all of Wijmo's data visualization components, such as FlexMap, FlexChart, FlexPie, LinearGauge, RadialGauge, etc.
- Improved Intellisense for React components in VSCode.
- Improved pasting clipboard data in FlexGrid from Microsoft Excel.
- IME (Input Method Editor) improvements in FlexGrid.
- New AccordionPane isCollapsed property.
- New ISBLANK function in FlexSheet.
- RTL (Right-to-Left) support improvements in FlexSheet and XSLX.
- Improved moveFocus function for radio buttons.
- Added a new sample that demonstrates how to create a rotated spline chart with FlexChart.
- Added a new sample that demonstrates how to add drag n drop row reordering to FlexGrid. This sample allows end-users to drag a row and move it up and down in the grid before dropping it in a new position.
* Reference apps demonstrate how best to build applications with Wijmo. You can use the app as a reference when building your own apps.