Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise
Improves Pivot Table, Spreadsheet and Chart controls.
- Pivot Table
- Members of a specific field are now sorted based on a user-defined order in row and column axes.
- Spreadsheet
- Added support for date column filtering using a popup UI with parent-child checkboxes.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added new Carousel component in ASP.NET MVC sample creator.
- Pivot Table
- Members of a specific field are now sorted based on a user-defined order in row and column axes.
- Spreadsheet
- Added support for date column filtering using a popup UI with parent-child checkboxes.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added new Carousel component in ASP.NET Core Sample Creator.
- Added ASP.NET Core Web App template in Syncfusion ASP.NET Core Project template.
- Common
- Migrated to latest SASS with compilation for EJ2 Components and samples.
- Chart
- Improves marker explode features.
- Pivot Table
- Members of a specific field are now sorted based on a user-defined order in row and column axes.
- Spreadsheet
- Added support for date column filtering using a popup UI with parent-child checkboxes.
- Added support for loading items from an existing signature field.
- Added support for detecting if a document signature is signed with a timestamp only.
- Added support for removing all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
- Added new Carousel component in Blazor template studio and code generator.
Windows Forms
- Added support for loading items from an existing signature field.
- Added support for detecting if a document signature is signed with a timestamp only.
- Added support for removing all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF.
- PdfViewerControl
- Added support for 'Copies' property in PdfViewer PrinterSettings.
- Added support for loading items from an existing signature field.
- Added support for detecting if a document signature is signed with a timestamp only.
- Added support for removing all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF.
- Added support for loading items from an existing signature field.
- Added support for detecting if a document signature is signed with a timestamp only.
- Added support for removing all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF.
- Added support for loading items from an existing signature field.
- Added support for detecting if a document signature is signed with a timestamp only.
- Added support for removing all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF.
- Added support for loading items from an existing signature field.
- Added support for detecting if a document signature is signed with a timestamp only.
- Added support for removing all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF.
- SfButton
- Added keyboard accessibility support for SfButton in UWP and WPF.
- SfCalendar
- Added the ability to get current ViewMode details in an 'OnYearCellLoaded' event.
ASP.NET Web Forms
- Added support for loading items from an existing signature field.
- Added support for detecting if a document signature is signed with a timestamp only.
- Added support for removing all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF.