Actipro SyntaxEditor for UWP
Improves IntelliPrompt item sorting logic and regular expression matching.
- Improved performance of 'StartsWithFragmentCompletionItemMatcher' and updated 'RegexCompletionItemMatcherBase' to generate capturing and non-capturing regular expression patterns for improved matching performance when captures are not necessary.
- Refactored the built-in indicator glyph appearances, dark theme coloring and z-order.
- Updated SyntaxEditor to ignore vertical mouse wheel scrolling when 'IsMultiLine' is false (single-line mode).
- Updated open IntelliPrompt completion sessions to refresh selection/filters if Items collection changes are detected.
- Updated IntelliPrompt completion item sorting logic.
- Updated 'SquiggleTagQuickInfoProvider' to show quick info for the last tagged range (highest in z-order) instead of the first, when there are overlapping ranges.
- Updated the sample CSS syntax language lexer.
- Microsoft .NET Languages Add-on
- Improved IntelliPrompt completion for VB With statements.
- Improved IntelliPrompt completion after VB For statements.
- Improved IntelliPrompt for variables defined within switch case blocks.
- Improved the VBTextFormatter logic related to Case Else clauses.
- Updated the resolver to avoid a possible deadlock scenario.