Aspose.Slides for Java
Adds support to set a custom position for SmartArt child nodes.
- Added support for setting the custom position for child nodes in SmartArt.
- Set number of nodes at row level.
- Render comments from ODP files.
- Text missing when converting PPTX to PDF.
- Saving presentation to PDF takes a long time or fails to convert for a PPTX with 300 slides.
- Exporting PPTX to PDF takes more than 3 hours.
- getThumbnail: justify alignment does not work on text with too many portions.
- Out of Memory exception on exporting presentation to PDF.
- Incorrect portion OuterShadow color.
- Exception on saving presentation.
- Cannot find any fonts installed on the system.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on loading presentation.
- Wrong ClsidIndicator field value in OLEStream on loading presentation.
- ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists on loading the presentation.
- NotImplementedException on loading the presentation.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative is thrown on loading presentation.
- NullPointer Exception on loading presentation.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range is thrown on loading presentation.
- IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown on loading the presentation.
- Exception in deployed environments.
- Exception on generating thumbnails.
- Get maximum value of chart axis.