Aspose.Cells for .NET
Adds new APIs to create and modify Excel Slicers.
- New APIs to create and modify Microsoft Excel Slicers.
- New API to Get and Set CustomXmlPart ID.
- Improved converting line Callout to image.
- Added WorkbookRender.ToImage(pageIndex, fileName/stream) and Bitmap WorkbookRender.ToImage(int pageIndex) methods.
- Added support for DateTimeOffset format when importing custom objects.
- Relevant methods added for GetRangeAddess(), GetCellCount(), GetEntireAddress() and GetOffset().
- Convert smart art from XLSX to XLS file format.
- Convert smart art from XLS to XLSX file format.
- Ink tools disappeared when converting to PDF.
- Portions of the picture in the spreadsheet renders in a different color when converting worksheet to image.
- Ink Object does not render while converting spreadsheet to PDF.
- Excel to HTML - Some shapes are missing and some are dispersed.
- Displaced image when converting XLSM to PDF.
- Unable to extract smart art images correctly.
- Shape is displaced to cover data in Excel to HTML rendering.
- All previous column and row data remains in the PivotTable after filtering.
- Output HTML is good in Chrome but wrong in IE or Edge.
- Rows imported to single cell when importing HTML file format.
- Cell value truncated when importing HTML.
- Single quotes disappear from the formula when opening file.
- Formulas (containing linked data source in other workbooks) are not calculated.
- Print from Aspose.Cells differs from Excel.
- PDF output ignores all page breaks inside an MS Excel file.
- Mixture of page 1 and page 2 in the output PDF.
- Single word split into two lines in rendered output image.
- Unable to load password-protected ODS file.
- Pareto chart does not display in MS Excel file but it renders in PDF.
- Chart horizontal axis label is corrupted.
- Saving XLT file as XLS after clearing chart's data series causes red "Protected View" warning.
- Watermark works fine with the spreadsheets but nothing shows up on charts.
- Y-axis ticks in chart image do not match with Excel.
- System.OutOfMemoryException while converting Excel file to PDF.
- Pie chart legend colors change after saving to PDF and do not match up with pie chart slices.
- Saving an XLT/XLTX file as XLS/XLSX causes red "Protected View" warning.
- Hyperlinks are corrupted when referencing to sheet with special characters in its name.
- Resizing headless table corrupts the output Excel file.
- Output Excel File is corrupt after creating list object.
- When rendering an Excel document to PDF, the process never finishes.
- Aspose.Cells.CellsException at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save().
- Error initializing an XLSX file.
- EndOfStreamException when Aspose.Cells.Dll (latest assembly) is ilmerged.
- Exception: "File is corrupted" when loading an XLS file.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException when Aspose.Cells (latest assembly) is ilmerged.